

(Man says) Did you hear about the New Jewish sports car?
(Woman says) no.
(MAn) It stops on a dime and picks it up to!!
What is the cheapest candy in the world???
A. Jew-Jewbs.
How do they take the sensus in Israel?
They roll a nickle down the street .
What do jews do when they are cold?
They sit around a candle!!
What do they do when they are really cold??
They light it!!
Why did the Jews wander in the desert for 40 years?
Somebody dropped a quarter.
If Tazan and Jane were jewish what would cheeta be?
a: A fur coat
Have you heard of the big-nosed Jewish pancake maker?
Aunt Jewmima
Why did Hitler commit suicide?
A. He got the gas bill.
How was copper wire invented?
Two jews fighting over a penny.
Roses are redish, Violits are bluish,if it wasn't for Christmas we'd all be jewish.
How do you get 50 jews in a taxi?
Drop a coin in.
Why do Jews have thick windows?
So their kids don't hear the ice-cream truck.
Q:what is the job of a jewish football player
A:to get the quater back.
What's the difference between a Jew and a canoe? A canoe tips!
Why do Jewish people have big noses? Air is free.
Q: Why do niggers have flat noses?
A: That's where GOD put his feet when he was pulling off their tails.
Q: Why don't niggers have check books?
A: They find it too hard to sign their names in spray paint.
Q: What's the definition of nigger foreplay?
A: Don't scream bitch or I'll kill you.
Q: Why don't niggers like country music?
A: When they hear the words "hoe-down" they think their sister's been shot.
Q: Did you hear of the new Black Barbie?
A: It comes with 12 kids, AIDS and a welfare check.
Q: What's the difference between a nigger and a pizza?
A: A pizza can feed a family of four.
Q: What is the definition for 'Mass Confusion'?
A: Father's Day in Harlem.
Q: Why can niggers fuck all night?
A: Because they don't have to get up the next morning and go to work!
Q: Why do white people tan if they get some sun, but burn if they get too much?
A: God didn't want any more niggers.
Q: What do you say when you wake up in the middle of the night and see....your TV floating?
A: Drop it nigger!
Q: What do niggers and apples have in common?
A: They both look good hanging from trees.
Q: What do you say to a black man in uniform?
A: "I'll have a Big Mac with cheese and a coke."
Q: Who won the race down the tunnel, the nigger or the Pole?
A: The Pole because the nigger had to stop to write "motherfucker" on the wall.
Q: Why do niggers hate aspirin?
A: Because they're white, they work, and you have to dig ....through cotton to get 'em.
Q: How come there were no black people in the Flintstones?
A: They were all apes back then.
Q: What did the black kid get for Christmas?
A: My bike.
Q: Why do niggers call white people "honkies"?
A: That's the last noise they hear before the white people run them over.
Q: Why do nigger women eat watermelon with their panties off?
A: To keep the flies off the watermelon.
Q: How was break dancing invented?
A: By black kids stealing hubcaps from moving cars.
Q: Why were the evolutionists wrong when they asserted that evolved from apes?
A: Because we all know that apes evolved from niggers.
Q: What's white, 8 feet long and wrapped round a lump of shit?
A: A turban.
Q: What do you call four niggers in a new Cadillac?
A: Grand Theft Auto.
Q: What are the six words you never ever want to hear?
A: "Hi, I be yo' new neighbor."
Q: How do you save a drowning nigger?
A: Wave his welfare check over his head.
Q. Why don't sharks attack niggers?
A. They mistake them for whale shit.
Q: What is 10 niggers in bottom of river?
A: Pollution.
Q: What is 10000000 in bottom of river?
A: Solution.
Q: Why do decent white folk shop at nigger yard sales?
A: To get all their stuff back, of course!
Q: What do you call a white woman who dates a black man?
A: Color blind!
Q: Who were the three most famous women in black history?
A: Aunt Jemima, Diana Ross, and Mother Fucker!
Q: What do nigger kids call the easter bunny?
A: Dinner.
Q: What's black and white and red all over?
A: A Ku Klux Klan house-warming party!
Q: How do you get a nigger out of a tree?
A: Cut the rope.
Q: How do you tell if a nigger is lying?
A: See if his lips are moving.
Q: What are two things you cant give a nigger?
A: An education and a job!
Q: What are two more things you can't give a Nigger?
A: A black eye and a fat lip!
Q: What do you call a white guy surrounded by three blacks?
A: A victim.
Q: What do you call a white guy surrounded by 10 blacks?
A: Coach
Q: Why did god create orgasms?
A: So niggers know when to stop.
Q: Why did god give niggers rhythm?
A: Because he fucked up their hair, nose and lips.
Q: Why do lions in Africa go around licking each other's assholes?
A: To get the taste of niggers out of their mouths.
Q: What do you call 32 niggers in a room?
A: A full set of teeth
Q: What do you call a black priest?
A: Holy Shit!
Q: What do you call a nigger in a park with his fly open?
A: A rapist.
Q: How come Jesse Jackson lost the vote of most niggers?
A: He promised to create jobs for them if elected.